Birth to Kindergarten Age Screening
Birth to Kindergarten Age School Screening is a yearly service provided to our member schools. It is a collaborated effort between the school districts and the cooperative: both providing personnel and resources to facilitate the screenings.
Birth to 3 year old children are screened in the areas of communication, gross and fine motor, problem solving and personal-social using the Ages and Stages Questionnaires. Children 3 years old to kindergarten age are screened in the areas of vision and hearing, the DIAL-4 Screening Instrument is used to screen language, motor and concepts.
All children, age birth to kindergarten, are encouraged to come to a screening. Having your child participate in this screening process is an ideal time to determine whether your child is doing things considered age appropriate. Early identification, evaluation and intervention minimize the impact of any delays on your child’s development and future success in school.
Birth to 3 year old children are screened in the areas of communication, gross and fine motor, problem solving and personal-social using the Ages and Stages Questionnaires. Children 3 years old to kindergarten age are screened in the areas of vision and hearing, the DIAL-4 Screening Instrument is used to screen language, motor and concepts.
All children, age birth to kindergarten, are encouraged to come to a screening. Having your child participate in this screening process is an ideal time to determine whether your child is doing things considered age appropriate. Early identification, evaluation and intervention minimize the impact of any delays on your child’s development and future success in school.