Northwest Area Schools 503 N. Main PO Box 35 Isabel, SD 57633 Phone: 605-466-2206 Fax: 605-466-2207 NORTHWEST AREA SCHOOLS EDUCATION COOPERATIVE - 52201 ANNUAL NON-DISCRIMINATION NOTIFICATION
Northwest Area Schools Educational Cooperative - 52201 does not discriminate in its education programs or activities and employment opportunities will be offered without regard to gender, race, color, national origin, age or disability. The following person has been designated to handle inquires regarding the non-discrimination policies: Title IX and 504 Coordinator: Monica Mayer Northwest Area Schools Educational Cooperative - 52201 503 N. Main Street P O Box 35 Isabel, SD 57633-0035 Phone: 605-466-2206
South Dakota Regional US Office for Civil Rights Kansas City Office Office of Civil Rights US Department of Education One Petticoat Lane 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor Suite 320 Kansas City, MO 64106 Ph: 816-268-0550 Fx: 816-268-0599 TDD: 800- 877-8339 Email: [email protected]
Bringing up to date technology and career skills to rural high schools in central South Dakota since 1973, Northwest Area Schools Multi-District exists to provide students with a foundation in career based educational opportunities and works with the schools and communities it serves to meet the challenges of the present and future. Northwest Area Schools provides the following Career and Technical Education opportunities to our member schools: ATV/Small Engine Mechanics/Automotive Engine Performance/Intro. to Building Trades/Intro. to Architecture & Construction/Intro. to Drafting & Design/Architectural Drafting and Design/Network Technology/Intro. to Information Technology/Graphic Design I/Visual Communications/Health Science Careers II/Medical Terminology/Restaurant Mgmt. Culinary Arts I/Food Technology/Welding Technology and Advanced Welding Technology. For enrollment information, please contact your local, member school district. T